frequently asked questions
Be sure that all of the items in your order have been shipped already. If you order and get your Package Tracking Numbers, check with the shipper to confirm that your packages were delivered. If your packages each show a status of “delivered”, please contact customer service for assistance.
Our service provides customer support related to finding information, goods, services, offers and more, as well as facilitating the use of our platform and helping to solve issues that might arise in the process of using it. Feel free to contact us in case you fail to find the answer to your question on this page, or if you need more detailed guidance in response to your query. Our customer service reps work full hours distributing assistance to clients, and you can rest assured that your case is very important to us. Sometimes though getting back with the response might take up to several working days in connection with occasional workload.
Your estimated delivery time will depend on the shipping method chosen at check out page. Orders shipped with Regular Airmail arrive within three weeks after confirmed shipment and those shipped with Express Courier are to be expected no later than after two weeks from the shipment date.
Because we care for everyone’s safety, we make efforts to deliver worldwide with no problems encountered , WE HAVE YOU COVERED.
Orders shipped from our warehouse get shipped in a discreet and secure way. We will only state minimal information needed for the goods to reach the destination, such as your address and name. The nature of the goods ordered will not be stated. Packaging is also done with regard to the safety of the goods contained therein.
If you happen to not be home when the delivery courier comes, they will leave a notice for you about the envelope to be picked at your local post office. You can also get in touch with the delivery service in order to arrange a more convenient time of delivery.